Ring Size Guide


How do I measure my ring size?

Method 1:

First, print out this guide and use it to measure your finger and find a suitable size.

Method 2:

Contact us at info@oaineyia.com, we'll send you a Free Ring Sizer. You can find your size with following steps at home.

  1. Choose which finger you want to size.
  2. Select a band, going up and down the sizes until you reach a snug one. 
  3. Take it off the loop and wear it throughout the day and during the night, taking it off and putting it back on throughout. Remember, fingers are usually larger at the end of the day. 
  4. Once you’re happy with the size, send us a message or order online and select the size you need. 

In short, how you take the ring off! It should slide easily along your finger and only hit a bit of resistance coming off over the knuckle - but not so much that you need to twist it off with force. If it comes off too easily, then it’s likely to slide off in your pocket etc.

Don’t worry about it being too tight at first - especially if you’re not used to wearing rings! IT WILL FEEL WEIRD. You'll soon get used to how it feels and won't even notice you're wearing it!

Take into consideration whether your hands are warm or cold when doing this - if it's cold then your ring will likely come off with ease, but this is expected in the cold! The same goes when it's warm, you may find it difficult to take your ring off - again, this is completely normal! As long as your ring is comfortable the majority of the time, that's just right.



Your ring will not always fit like a glove! In fact, our fingers are constantly changing through the different seasons and even throughout the day. They can be affected by what activities we do, what we eat, how tired we are and any temperature changes in the air.  

Your ‘finger size’ can change as much as a full size in one day! And most of the time, the fingers on your right hand are about half a size bigger than your left hand. It's different for everyone though! Ring size is an art, not a science.